Campaign Update: Council Interview Video

I have been absolutely blown away by the incredible amount of support I have gotten from so many of you these past few weeks as I collect signatures to appear on the ballot this November. The #1 question I get is obvious: "Tell me about yourself and what you stand for."

I think a good way to introduce myself and tell you about what I stand for is to post the video of the first interview I had with our City Council when they were looking to make an appointment, before they decided to send this to a special election.

I know there has been much discussion amongst our Council members about making these videos available to all of you in the name of transparency, and I agree. This theme of transparency is important to so many, from residents to Council members alike. It is important to me as well, which is why I am excited to share this with you.


Campaign Update: Staying Positive


Campaign Update: Door Knocking