Campaign Update: Door Knocking

As others in our community who are also running for office have been making their stance on door knocking known, I wanted to take a minute to clarify my stance on this form of voter contact. 

As of right now, I will not be knocking on doors and I believe it is unlikely I will at any point during this campaign. 

I believe at a time when Council is still meeting remotely, the city has cancelled nearly all events this summer and has just recently resumed granting solicitor permits, it would be irresponsible to knock on doors. It is clear that COVID-19 is not going away and that there may even be a resurgence of the virus at some point.

Several people have warned me that not knocking on doors will surely result in me losing. I want to win because I know I can truly make a difference, but I do not want to win at the expense of the constituents I hope to represent. If I am your City Councilwoman I will always put you first. That starts now. 

During the campaign, I will be doing literature drops, placing door hangers on doors (while wearing gloves), sending mailers out, and meeting many of you virtually! Stay tuned for updates on this.

I am certain this will make the road ahead more difficult. Many have asked how they can help get the word out during this difficult time - the biggest way you can help is by telling your family and friends who live in Hudson about me. Some other ways you can help are to invite people to like this page, donate to my campaign, volunteer your time and efforts, and sign my petition to get on the ballot. If you would like to sign my petition, please message me so I can arrange a time to safely get your signature that will not put either of our health in jeopardy.

I look forward to talking to as many of you as I can in the safest manner possible in the coming months!



Campaign Update: Council Interview Video