Local Issues


My Approach

As your newest Council member, my priority is to listen to residents and transform their feedback and views into meaningful action. It’s also important to work collaboratively with all fellow Council members, carefully considering all viewpoints. That is an ongoing priority for me.


Developing Hudson

With some prime pieces of city real estate (such as the Youth Development Center, also known as the YDC property, and the Phase II site) currently sitting idle, it will be up to Council at the direction of and with input from citzens to determine how to develop them. It is imperative to consider the rich history of our City but also focus on growing our tax base and remaining fiscally responsible in our decisions.



While walking trails and bike paths are important to our city’s connectivity plan, connecting our downtown area to parts of the city that currently do not have sidewalks is a priority for Council. As a result, Council and city staff came up with a connectivity plan to accomplish this, and continuing and completing this work will be a focus of mine in the coming years.


Roads & Traffic

City officials and Council have already done a lot of work to improve road and traffic conditions, including the accelerated road resurfacing project that is currently underway, and the numerous traffic studies aimed at reducing traffic during peak hours. But more can still be done. Continuing to evaluate road conditions, regularly doing traffic studies, and implementing smart signal technology will all help improve the ability of Hudson residents to easily and efficiently navigate the city. Improved infrastructure is also crucial to supporting merchants who rely on ease of travel within the city to attract residents and people from neighboring communities alike to patronize their business.

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash


I believe that voices from my generation need to be heard, and need to participate in city government, as we are a rapidly growing demographic in Hudson. Many young couples looking to start families move here for the school system and quality of life we enjoy. They’re buying homes rapidly, and as a result, our city will continue to have needs emerge that didn’t exist for previous generations. Representation from the next generation of Hudsonites in our government is important, and I am grateful and privileged to be that voice on Council. 


Our Future

We cannot anticipate every need or issue that will arise in the coming years. For example, the city and our Council had to make several unexpected decisions due to COVID-19. Therefore, Council must consider the future of our city with every decision we make and every vote we cast. Attracting new business to Hudson, maintaining and improving our current infrastructure and technology, and investing in our future - our children - by providing support to our school district and school board are all crucial to our future.


The Environment

The city of Hudson has three watersheds and many wetlands that are home to some of Ohio’s native species - both flora and fauna. These are natural treasures that we should work to continue to protect. Additionally, some Hudson residents have well water. It is important to reduce or prevent man-made contaminants from entering the groundwater.  


A Diverse Tax Base

Many of the services provided to our residents are funded by income taxes. Most of those income taxes are paid by workers who do not live in Hudson. Therefore, it will be essential in the coming years to attract businesses - the right businesses - to Hudson to help diversify and expand our tax base.


Supporting Our Merchants

Our merchants are the backbone of our local economy in many ways. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that support from our city’s leaders was essential so local businesses could survive this difficult time. Such support is essential even when there isn’t a crisis. I will continue to work with our merchants and businesses to ensure they have the support they need to succeed, and so that we can maintain this important part of our tax base.