Thank you, Hudson! We did it!

Final but unofficial numbers are in reporting that I have won re-election and will represent Hudson as an at-large member on City Council for the next 4 years. Final but unofficial numbers also show that the other two individuals who have been elected are Chris Banweg and Karen Heater.

Thank you, Hudson. I am so grateful that you have chosen me to represent you on City Council once again. I am excited to work hard for you these next four years.

Two campaigns in two years has been exhausting, but it’s all worth it to know that I get to continue working towards progress on so many important issues.

Each of the candidates who ran displayed a lot of passion for our wonderful city, and for that I am happy. Running for office is extremely difficult and a huge sacrifice – both for the candidate as well as their family. Willingness to serve your community is admirable.

This campaign was so different from campaigns in years past for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that a Super PAC was formed to influence this election, and I take serious issue with that. Not because I was the target of negative smear attacks, but because I don’t believe the voters of Hudson knew about this or what it really means. I hope the press will finally cover this and bring to light the dishonest influence that dark money played in this election.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me, this is because of you.

Thank you to the VIP of this campaign, the GOAT, my husband, Ross. This is as much my win as it is yours.

Thank you to my family who supported us throughout this process in countless ways. Thank you to all the volunteers who lent their time and efforts to making this possible, there are too many of you to name individually. But I am so grateful and honored to have each of you in my corner.

I could not have done this without all of you. Thank you again.


Phase 2… Finally?


10/5 Meeting & 10/12 Workshop Recaps