9/21 Meeting & 9/28 Workshop Recaps + Phase 2 Open Forum

9/21 Council Meeting

The agenda for this meeting can be found here, and you can read the city’s recap here.

Public Comments and Council Comments

Most of the comments made by both the public and City Council Members centered around the Mayor’s recent actions demanding the resignation of the entire Board of Education following a controversy over a creative writing book which contains various prompts. The comments varied, some in favor of his actions, some condemning them.

My Take: I believe that the Mayor asserted authority in that moment (when he asked for the resignation of the entire Board of Education) by identifying himself as the Mayor. This insinuated he was a representative for the City of Hudson and/or our governmental body. The reality is, the Mayor cannot assert authority in a situation like this unless authorized by Council. I believe the Mayor overstepped his bounds and acted outside of the purview of the office of the Mayor.

I also think this was the wrong way to handle this situation and has resulted in irreparable damage to our City, the Board of Education, our Hudson school administrators, our faculty and teachers, and even parents and students. I agree with my colleagues that the Mayor owes all involved an apology.

Report of Manager

Recommendation for Postponement of 2021 Sidewalk Projects

Brief Description: Staff is recommending that the SR 303 Sidewalk (Nicholson - W. Case) and Owen Brown Street Sidewalk (Lennox to Morse Road; NS RR underpass) be postponed until 2022. 

Update: Because of other infrastructure improvements taking place in these areas, staff wishes to postpone (by a short amount of time) these projects so that residents are not inconvenienced by construction projects back to back.

Discussion Items

9. A. 21-0079 Downtown Development Phase 2 - Fairmount Properties Proposed

Brief Description: The City Administration would like to follow-up with City Council to discuss the proposed schedule for public input, and the purchase and sale agreement on the Fairmount conceptual plan presented to Council for the Downtown Phase 2 properties.

Update: Council received an update from staff about the upcoming Open Forum that took place on September 29th to gather citizen feedback. Council as a whole stressed the importance of citizen input. 

9/28 Council Workshop

The agenda for this meeting can be found here.

Discussion Items 

3. A. 21-0083 Preliminary 2022 - 2026 Five-Year Plan Review 

Brief Description: Staff will present 2022-2026 Five Year Plan Assumptions, Personnel Costs and Operating Costs for all funds.

My Take: This was dry, I will admit, but so informative. Some of the biggest misconceptions about municipal spending could be cleared up by watching this segment of the meeting. I won’t dive too much into it, but as a City, we are in excellent shape financially. We also have some extraordinarily intelligent people doing our budgets, safeguarding our tax dollars, and advising Council. 

Proposed Consent Agenda 

Dispatch Services

Two resolutions on the agenda to enter into contracts for dispatch services with the village of Peninsula Police Department and Valley Fire District. These are two departments we work well with and have mutual aid agreements with. We are equipped to do this and it will increase efficiencies within the departments as we work together on calls that require mutual aid. This is a win-win for all communities involved. 

9/29 Phase 2 Open Forum

The City of Hudson in conjunction with Fairmount Properties, who has proposed a plan to develop the vacant Phase 2 area, held an open forum to gather citizen input. I attended more as an observer, there to hear the opinions of those who wanted to convey feedback to someone directly. I stood back, watched and listened, and took notes. What I learned this night was very interesting, and made me feel hopeful. The feedback was OVERWHELMINGLY positive. Yes, a few people have stated their opposition to this plan. But the key word there is few. Even as I have gone out of my way to solicit the opinion of specific residents who I knew opposed the old plan, I have heard positivity. I can honestly count on one hand the number of people who completely oppose this plan. The majority of people who express concerns express just that – concerns. Mainly questions they need to be answered in order to feel comfortable with moving forward, or considerations they want us to keep in mind. But, most have said, “Get It Done!”

However, this process is by no means over. We have another Phase 2 Open Forum Scheduled for October 21st and you can submit feedback on the new City feedback website “Let’s Talk Hudson” as well as by emailing me directly at nkowalski@hudson.oh.us.

Follow my Facebook and Twitter for frequent updates!

Have questions? Want to share your thoughts with me on any of the agenda items or issues listed above? As always, I would love to have a conversation! Email me directly at nkowalski@hudson.oh.us.


10/5 Meeting & 10/12 Workshop Recaps


Interview on Hudson North of 60 HCTV program